Are You At Risk From Carbaryl At Home Or Work?

Posted on: 23 January 2015


Carbaryl is a powerful insecticide that many farmers continue to use across the United States. Farmers apply the insecticide in different formulations, including dusts, powders, liquid concentrates and granules, and the chemical works effectively against a range of common pests. Carbaryl is a powerful chemical, and it's important that you and your employer take adequate measures when working with or using the insecticide. Find out more about how carbaryl works, and learn more about the risks you may face when working with the chemical.

Using carbaryl

In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency monitors and controls the use of all insecticides. Carbaryl became available in the United States in 1959, and American manufacturers have now registered more than 300 products containing the chemical with the EPA. Carbaryl products are popular because growers can use them on fruits, vegetables, lawns, plants and trees.

Carbaryl attacks an insect's nervous system. Studies show that (in small doses) the chemical is moderately toxic to animals when eaten, low in toxicity when tested on the skin, and very low in toxicity when inhaled. That aside, uncontrolled or excessive carbaryl exposure can lead to serious health problems in humans.

Effects of carbaryl exposure

Early exposure to the insecticide can cause headaches, weakness, nausea and stomach cramps. The extent of these symptoms depends on how much carbaryl is present and how long you come into contact with the chemical. Serious exposure can cause vomiting, muscle twitching, convulsions, coma and even death.

The EPA classifies carbaryl as a 'likely human carcinogenic' based on completed animal studies. Research showed that farm workers were twice as likely to contract deadly skin cancer as other employees due to their exposure to dangerous pesticides. One of the pesticides that the study highlighted was carbaryl.

Over time, the EPA has restricted certain carbaryl products. For example, the EPA cancelled the use of liquid carbaryl on residential turf because of the possible risk to toddlers.

Dealing with pesticide injuries

Employers must set up suitable safety rules for workers who deal with pesticides like carbaryl. In turn, you must follow the guidelines that your employer puts in place. For example, you must always wear any safety gloves, goggles and clothing that your employer provides. That aside, injuries may still occur, particularly if employers, manufacturers or other people fail to take suitable precautions.

If you or someone you love suffers an injury from carbaryl (or any other pesticide), you should contact a personal injury attorney like Palmetto Injury Lawyers. He or she can help you understand if you are in a strong position to file a lawsuit because of somebody else's negligence. For example, your child may suffer carbaryl poisoning because a manufacturer failed to warn you about the risks of using the chemical in a certain way. In this case, your attorney may suggest that the manufacturer is negligent because the company failed to issue adequate warnings.

Carbaryl is a powerful, but dangerous insecticide. Make sure you follow the necessary precautions when using the chemical at home and work, and get expert advice if you suffer health problems because of somebody else's negligence.