What To Do If You May Be A Victim Of Gender Descrimination
Posted on: 11 January 2016
The law dictates that everyone should have the same chance of employment, regardless of their race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or whether or not they have a disability. If you are searching for a job and you feel that you are being denied that job due to your gender, then you have rights and you want to stand up for them. Not only should you do this for yourself, but also so you protect others from going through the same thing in the future. You can learn about some signs you may notice during your interview that lets you know you may not have got the job due to your gender.
The person seems fixated on your gender
If the person interviewing you voices doubt over you being able to do the job due to your gender, then you may have a case. Some examples of things they may say include, "Customers don't generally respond as well to "X" gender", "I have reservations about your ability to keep up with our other employees who are "X" gender or "We've never hired someone of your gender for this position and it may not be the time to start". They may also continuously ask you if you are sure you can handle the job since you are a man or a woman, whatever the case may be.
You notice there are very few employees of your gender
If you go into a company and nearly everyone working there is of the opposite gender as you, then it may be likely that the company makes a habit of hiring only one gender. This may especially be the case if the position that you are applying for is one that is normally pretty evenly split between genders.
The person interviewing you is crude
If the person you are interviewing with seems to have taken an instant dislike to you for no reason, they may have already made up their mind that they have no interest in hiring you do to your gender. Better yet, if they make crude comments to you about people of your gender in general, then gender discrimination may be occurring.
If you feel you may have been the victim of gender discrimination, the first thing you should do is write down everything that happened during the interview while it's still fresh in your mind. Go see a civil rights attorney (such as Marie A. Mattox, P.A.) to find out if you have a case. They will be in a better position of determining whether or not this is the case. If it is, then they can help you to build a legal case against that company.