Should You Hire A DUI Attorney To Represent You Throughout Your Case?
Posted on: 14 June 2016
Facing a DUI charge and conviction is a serious offense that could land you in jail. However, if the charge is a first offense and no one was injured, you could possibly enter a plea of guilty and not serve jail time. You also might not need to hire an attorney. Conventional wisdom though is that you should hire an attorney to argue your case. Based on the strength and weakness of your particular case, obtaining an experienced DUI attorney to assess the facts surrounding your charge allows you to confidently offer a plea of not guilty. You can search for a DUI attorney with courtroom experience who will provide you with an initial stand-alone service that confirms whether you should plead guilty. You may be able to engage an attorney who will charge you a reasonable price for that assessment. Should you hire a DUI attorney to represent you throughout your case?
How A DUI Attorney Can Help You
A driving under the influence attorney can plea bargain for you when and if field sobriety tests prove to be undetermined but your blood alcohol level is above .08. The attorney might argue for the prosecution to charge you with reckless driving. Reckless driving is a less serious offense that requires a lesser sentence than what you are facing with a DUI charge. A DUI attorney can help you to avoid a license suspension if that issue surfaces later on.
Searching For A DUI Attorney
Perhaps you know someone who used a DUI attorney in the past. Contact that person and ask pertinent questions about how the case was handled. You can also search online for an attorney. Read online reviews of customers about attorneys they've used in their DUI trials. There are online attorney websites you can connect with and ask questions about DUI attorneys.
Attorney Cost Estimates
A DUI attorney may charge you a flat fee that guarantees representation throughout your case time. This means that you will pay a part of the cost or the full cost upfront. Some attorneys choose to bill you hourly for each hour that they work on your case, which ultimately is an expensive payment agreement. One website notes that an average DUI attorney could cost you approximately $2500 to $5000 for a first time DUI offense.
Another good way to see if you need an attorney like Stewart MacNichols Harmell Inc PS is to talk with one.