You're Facing A Misdemeanor Charge—What Now?

Posted on: 14 September 2022

Criminal charges broadly fall under the umbrella categories of felony or misdemeanor, with some states also classifying crimes as felony-misdemeanors. This latter category can be confusing, but it's not a different type of offense. Instead, prosecutors typically have some leeway in pursuing these charges as one or the other. Since misdemeanors are the lesser of these two charges, many people wonder what to do following a misdemeanor charge. Should you meet with a lawyer?
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How to Be Compensated for Pain and Suffering After a Car Accident

Posted on: 15 August 2022

Pain and suffering after a car accident is easily misunderstood. Those who are hurt because of another driver's actions may believe they are not entitled to payment for pain and suffering. Other victims assume that they are owed a huge sum for their pain and suffering. For some guidance on what pain and suffering mean and how you can be paid, read below. Pain and Suffering, Legally Speaking Car accidents can impose several types of damage on victims.
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Why A Motorcycle Accident Attorney Should Intervene After The Motorcycle Accident

Posted on: 18 July 2022

Motorcycle accidents are usually unavoidable and happen unexpectedly, leaving the victims confused, jobless, injured, and traumatized. In fact, most people get confused and can't tell what they should do next after the accident. Some unintentionally do things that complicate their case later. Where possible, you should call a motorcycle accident attorney before contacting anyone else. Avoid talking to anyone else around because you don't know their mission. Some of them could be insurance agents or the other motorist's friends, looking for something that could help them weaken your claim.
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What Questions Should You Ask Your Auto Accident Lawyer Before Going To Trial?

Posted on: 21 June 2022

Are you considering filing a lawsuit after a car accident? Before doing so, it's important to consult with an auto accident lawyer to find out if you have a case and your best course of action. There are questions you should ask to help you figure out whether it is worthwhile to pursue that course of action. Any good auto accident lawyer will help you decide on an informed point of view.
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