
  • Have A Repetitive Motion Related Injury? Know How Workers' Compensation May Cover It

    Repetitive motion related injuries occur when someone constantly performs the exact same motion as part of their job. For instance, someone that works at an office desk job may do a lot of typing with a keyboard, and are more at risk for developing carpal tunnel. Other types of injuries can affect the neck, back, and shoulders as well if you are doing tasks that involve lifting. While it can be difficult to get a repetitive motion related injury covered by workers' compensation, it is possible.
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  • 3 Things You Should Do To Protect Yourself During A Criminal Case

    Being suspected of a crime is very scary. You might be worried about your permanent record, serving jail time, and many other things. When you get in trouble with the law you need to do everything you can to protect yourself. One of the first steps you should take to protect yourself is hire an attorney. They will be worth every penny as they fight to protect your future. Here are some things that you should know about protecting yourself when fighting a criminal charge.
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  • Starting A Sea Job? Be Clear On Your Duties And Classification

    If you are about to finish hiring paperwork for a new job on the docks or on a ship, be sure your job classification clearly states whether you are considered a seaman or not. The fact that you might be working on a ship or going out to sea does not automatically make you a seaman; you have to officially be part of a crew for that. The importance of your classification is due to worker's compensation laws.
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  • Legal Principles That Allow You To Sue For Undisclosed Property Defects

    When you discover hidden defects on a property you just bought, you can sue the seller for failing to disclose the defects before the sale. However, failure to disclose isn't the only legal principle that allows you to seek redress in such a situation. Here are two more legal principles you can rely on to get legal redress: Fraud Fraud is an intentional deception that leads to financial gain. In the case of property defects, a seller commits fraud if they intentionally lie to the buyer about the condition of the property being sold.
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  • The Benefits Of Hiring A Divorce Lawyer Together

    If you and your spouse are going to file for divorce in the near future, you might want to consider hiring one divorce lawyer who will represent the two of you as a unit instead of the two of you hiring separate lawyers. To help you understand why this may be beneficial, you will want to check out the following points. You Do Not Have To Worry About A Contested Divorce
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  • Personal Injuries Which Occur At A Friend Or Relative's House

    Visiting a friend or relative's house can be fun, but sometimes personal injury accidents happen while you're there. Just like owners of a public place, owners and renters of private residences can be liable for personal injuries under certain circumstances. However, just because you are injured, it doesn't mean that your friend or relative will be liable for all your bills. If you've been injured at someone's home, here are a few things you should know about.
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  • Three Tips For Those Considering Divorce

    The process of leaving a failed marriage can be an emotionally draining and legally complex process. Not surprisingly, it can be easy for individuals to make errors during this process that can lead to complications later. To help you avoid this risk, you may want to ensure that you are keeping the following three tips in mind while you ponder whether or not a divorce is right for your situation.
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  • Beyond Pro-Bono: Financing Divorce As A Low-Income Earner

    You are probably aware that pro-bono divorce lawyers can provide you with legal services at no cost. However, demand for pro bono outstrips supply. Therefore, if you are a low-income earner who doesn't have the money to pay a divorce attorney, it pays to know other options apart from pro bono attorneys. Here are three alternatives to consider: Look For a Lawyer Who Doesn't Charge Upfront Fees Take this route if your family has some money you can use on the divorce, but you don't have access to the funds right away.
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  • 3 Reasons To Meet With An Estate-Planning Attorney

    Making sure your estate is planned and organized is an important part of emergency preparedness. There are many people who mistakenly think that they don't need an estate plan. However, that is not the case. In fact, you should meet with an estate planner while you are young, as this will be the best way to make sure that you are protected should anything happen to you. Here are some reasons that you should meet with an estate-planning attorney.
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  • Should You Hire A DUI Attorney To Represent You Throughout Your Case?

    Facing a DUI charge and conviction is a serious offense that could land you in jail. However, if the charge is a first offense and no one was injured, you could possibly enter a plea of guilty and not serve jail time. You also might not need to hire an attorney. Conventional wisdom though is that you should hire an attorney to argue your case. Based on the strength and weakness of your particular case, obtaining an experienced DUI attorney to assess the facts surrounding your charge allows you to confidently offer a plea of not guilty.
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