
  • 3 Reasons Longer Chapter 13 Repayment Plans Protect Your Home Better

    Homeowners who need the financial relief of bankruptcy often have one major concern on their minds: saving their home.  In general, the best way to do this is to opt for Chapter 13, or wage earner's bankruptcy. Unlike liquidation bankruptcy, Chapter 13 lets you get current on past due payments, reaffirm your loan, and pay off debt over a period of time.  How long should that period of time be, though?
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  • Silence Is The Best Option When Suspected Of OVI

    When the police pull over an individual, it is natural for the person to want to defend themselves. However, their attempt to work in their defense rarely works in their favor. Instead, they end up giving the officer information that they will later use against them. This scenario is especially true when it comes to operating a vehicle impaired, or OVI, charge. Learn why silence is always the best practice when pulled over for this suspected charge by reading below.
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  • Unraveling The Knots: Achieving A Smooth Separation

    Divorce is already an emotionally challenging process, and it's not always as simple as it looks in the movies. In fact, you may have many knots to unravel as part of the separation process before your divorce. These are some tips for helping you navigate a smooth separation, even if divorce is not on the horizon right away. These strategies will help you navigate difficult terrain. Effective Communication Is the Key  
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  • What Common Work Injury Claim Disputes Can An Attorney Help Resolve?

    Injuries occurring at work can be a common issue for workers, and it can cause you to lose significant income if you are unable to work due to those injuries. While you may be entitled to work comp because the accident happened on the company's property, or while driving for a living, it's possible that your insurance might refuse the claim. What are some common work injury claim disputes that your work comp attorney can help you resolve?
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  • The Types Of Cases Handled By An Airplane Repo Attorney

    Airplane repossession is a complex process that involves legal, financial, and logistical considerations. When a lender or lessor needs to repossess an aircraft, they may seek the services of an airplane repo attorney to handle the legal aspects of the repossession. Here are the sorts of cases that an airplane repo attorney may take on. Defaulted Loans One of the most common reasons for airplane repossession is a defaulted loan. When an individual or company takes out a loan to purchase an aircraft, they are required to make regular payments on the loan.
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  • 3 Things To Know About An Offer In Compromise

    Tax debt is not something that should be ignored. If you owe the IRS a significant amount of money, you are putting your assets and freedom at risk. There are some ways to negotiate with the IRS in an effort to reduce your tax debt. One tool that taxpayers often turn to is an offer in compromise, or an OIC. An OIC is intended to allow taxpayers to settle their tax debt for an amount that is less than what they actually owe.
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  • Pedestrian Accident Lawyer: Maximizing Your Potential

    If you're a pedestrian who has been injured by a car, truck, or other vehicle, your life can be catastrophically changed in a moment. As an injured individual, you will also hope to maximize your settlement. Here are some steps to follow when working with a pedestrian accident lawyer: Local Pro or Big Firm? When it comes to personal injury cases, deciding between a local accident injury attorney and a larger firm can be a dilemma.
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  • 3 Effective Strategies To Beat Your DUI Charges

    It is possible to lose one's capacity for logical thinking, to some degree, if law enforcers pull them over. Unfortunately, this can lead to costly mistakes that get the individual into even more trouble. Often, those convicted of DUI are issued severe punishments that impact their lives in the long term. This is why you must be careful what you say and do in the event that the police arrest you for driving while impaired.
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  • Three Questions About Duis That You Should Know The Answer To

    One mistake shouldn't define someone's life, such as being pulled over for driving under the influence. That's why it is important to work with a lawyer that specializes in these types of cases so that they can help you with your day in court. It will help to know the following things about a DUI accusation. What Happens Immediately After The DUI? You'll be taken to a local police station if you are pulled over and accused of a DUI.
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  • 3 Reasons To Hire A Loan Modification Lawyer

    Loans for large amounts — think mortgages and small business loans — can ultimately prove to be too big of a burden for the borrower to pay back, at least according to the terms set out by the original loan. In order to avoid declaring bankruptcy or being put in otherwise severe financial straits, many people may wish to modify the terms of their loan by negotiating with the lender. This can, however, can be extremely difficult to do successfully if you have no expert assistance.
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