
  • Why Your Law Firm Should Start Using Jury Consultants

    If your law firm is growing, it's probably because you've been successful in court. But with success can come more high profile clients and more pressure to continue winning your cases. If your law firm is not using jury consulting services yet, it might be time to look into this valuable tool. Here's how a jury consultant can help increase your chances of success in the courtroom. You Have a Million Things to Prepare, Let a Jury Consultant Help
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  • How Winter Weather Can Cause Car Accidents

    When the weather begins to change in the winter season, you should be aware of the added dangers on the road. Winter weather can contribute to car accidents in a major way. Snow, freezing rain, and high winds all exacerbate driving conditions. Here are some things you should be aware of when you drive in bad winter weather to help you avoid a car accident: Type of Accidents in Winter Weather
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  • Possible Signs You Should File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit After Your Loved One's Emergency Room Death

    If you have recently lost a loved one to an emergency room death, you might still be in shock and unsure of what you should do next. Right now, it might be a whirlwind of funeral planning, spending time with family, and otherwise trying to deal with your loved one's death. It might seem difficult right now, but it might also be time to meet with a wrongful death lawyer. A few possible signs that you should meet with one of these lawyers and file a wrongful death lawsuit against the hospital are listed here.
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  • Why You Need An International Patent

    When you invent something, you want to protect your invention. You also want to market it as far as you can take it. The trouble is, if you do not file for patents in every country where you want to sell your new invention, you are probably going to find yourself in the midst of an international patent litigation case. Here is why you need a patent in as many countries as you can afford to get patents.
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  • Choosing A Trustee For Your Beneficiary's Trust: What To Consider

    If you have the foresight to set up a trust for your heirs, you obviously have a lot of concern for their future financial stability and comfort. That's what makes choosing a trustee for that trust such a truly important task. Before you make your decision, learn more about your options and what you need to consider. What does a trustee do? Trustees primarily manage the trust according to its terms for the benefit of those named in the trust.
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  • Employee Injured On The Job? How To Fight A Fraudulent Workers Compensation Claim

    When you own a business, you need to be concerned about workers compensation claims. If your employees are injured on the job, you want to make sure that they receive the compensation they're entitled to, which is why you have workers compensation insurance. However, as a business owner, you can't afford to have fraudulent workers compensation claims on your record. Here are four steps you need to take if you disagree with a workers compensation claim that's been filed against you.
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  • How To Handle Workplace Disability Discrimination

    Getting through life with a disability is hard enough, but it can be especially painful if someone is singling you out because of it. If you feel you have been the victim of discrimination in the workplace because of your disability, you may have the right to bring a legal claim forward or even seek financial compensation. To that end, here are some tips to keep in mind when you first notice possible discrimination in the workplace.
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  • Divorce: When Your Spouse's Debt Is Your Debt

    When a couple parts ways, the way things are divided are a mesh of agreements, laws, and rulings. Knowing about how your state handles debt before you file for divorce is to your advantage so read on for some info about how your state might handle this issue. What is Marital Debt? You will hear the above term from your attorney and it's helpful to understand what it means. The debts you already had at the time of your marriage – your auto loan, credit cards, student loans, etc – remain entirely your responsibility after you marry.
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  • Think Twice Before You Help A Prostitute In These Ways

    You might clearly understand that prostitution is wrong, but learn that someone you know — perhaps who is down on her luck — is working in this capacity to earn money. While your first instinct might be to try to help her get out of this business, she may be determined to stay in it. Being a good friend, you may then want to help her in a number of ways, especially if she asks you for assistance and seems desperate to get it.
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  • Your Second DUI? Why You Need A Lawyer

    Getting a first DUI is bad enough, but when it's your second brush with the law for the same offense, things can get even more dangerous for you. This is especially the case if you get a DUI again very soon after your first offense, or if you were caught driving without a license in addition to driving under the influence. You need a good lawyer to stand by your side throughout your case and trial.
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